“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” —Mark Twain
What do you expect from your edit? Do you know what to ask for?
Different people have different ideas of what editing is and does for you. Perfectly understandable, because there are different types of editing, and like everything else, editing has its own terminology.
- Line editing: Reworking text at the sentence level.
- Copy editing: Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and continuity.
- Proofreading: Checking for typos and other minor problems.
I offer combined line and copy editing, and proofreading.
Line and Copy Editing
Make your story as seamless as possible, and make sure the story is what your reader remembers.
With your edit, I will:
- Correct the basics: grammar, spelling, punctuation, homophone mistakes and other incorrect word choices.
- Look for continuity errors and plot holes.
- Revise for flow and clarity, making your sentences clear and understandable. Make dialogue read like dialogue.
- Maintain the right pacing.
- Weed out repetition.
- Find and eliminate crutch words, and advise suitable substitutions.
Starts at 2.5 cents per word. Additional rounds 1.5 cents per word
This is the last step before publication, not suitable for a first draft.
Proofreading is the final step in the writing/editing process. Ideally, your story has already been read by several people who have advised and assisted with story, plot, and pacing. You’re ready for publication and just need a sharp eye to correct technical errors. When I proofread, I will only correct an unquestionable mistake. I will not offer opinions. This is the there/their/they’re phase.
Starts at 1.25 cents per word.
The Finishing Touch
After editing, having fresh eyes to proofread your book is a good idea. At this stage, you (and your editor) are both so familiar with your story you’re seeing what you thought you wrote—not necessarily what made it to the page. Mistakes get missed. Have a professional with fresh eyes put the final polish on your book.
I have two exceptional proofreaders with a combined twenty years of experience.
.075 cents (three-quarters of a cent) per word. Available for projects edited in-house.
If you’d like to talk about scheduling a project, I invite you to fill out my version of the ubiquitous online form.
Please double check your information! I can’t respond without a valid email address.
Thank you,